

Hidrocefalus i Spina Bifida Asocijacija Srbije Hisbas


We were founded as a non-profit association of citizens whose goals and tasks are to improve the quality of life of people with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, as well as to influence the reduction in the number of newborns with these conditions through education and primary prevention, and to provide psychosocial support to people with this condition and their families.
Activities of our organisation are mainly on primary prevention, providing support through the gathering, socializing and exchanging experiences; organization of counseling centers in order to realize full rights; joint actions with organizations dealing with similar issues; education of employees in schools and kindergartens; encouraging and organizations to discuss all issues that may contribute to quality care and education; organization of professional and scientific meetings; initiation, organization and implementation of scientific research projects related to the condition of spina bifida and hydrocephalus.